Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Evelyn Glennie: How to Listen

What struck you?

I was really struck when Evelyn said that she was deaf! I totally wasn't expecting that because she could play those instruments (a marimba and a snare drum) like a beast! I was also shocked that she could play those instruments just by feeling the vibrations! It made me think that maybe this could be an ultimate cure to deafness?

What did you notice?

I noticed that her body movement changes with the tempo of her playing. When she was playing fast and hard, she would get really close to her marimba and when she was playing soft and slow, she would get really far away from her marimba. It was interesting to watch. I think that maybe that's how Beethoven learned how to play his piano, by feeling the vibrations.

What did you enjoy about her performance? Be specific.

I loved that when she played you could feel the vibrations echoing from her marimba. Even if this performance was in 2003, it made me feel like I was right there with her while she played. Honestly, the humming and buzzing of the marimba made me get goosebumps. I even shivered!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Farmer's Market Visit

5 . 7 . 2010

What is your name and your role here at the farmer's market?

My name is Cindy Christ and I am a handmade-soap vendor.

Why do you choose to shop here?

I don't really shop here because I work here. I do visit other Farmer's Markets though that have more produce and I do my shopping there.

When did you start coming here?

I started coming here around a year ago.

Do you garden at home? Why or why not?

Yes, I grow my own herbs and flowers for my soaps.

What would be your advice to get others to do what you do?

You have to have dedication to helping your community, and so I suggest finding that dedication somewhere and using it.

Have you seen the movie Food Inc.? What did you think?

I haven't seen the actual movie but it's on my list due to the preview. The preview did look interesting, relevant, and revealed some little loop holes in the government that we should be stopping.

Look up cheap items and expensive items. Were they what you expected?

I looked at over five vending booths but I noticed that out of the three, that only two were expensive. The three booths that were less expensive were the flower booths, the bread booth, and the herb booths. Each one of these were about five dollars per multiple items. On the other hand, the other two booths, the organic almond booth and the organic olive oil and balsamic vinegarette were on the more expensive side. These products leaned more towards the fifteen to twenty dollar range per package.

By the way, I saw Brandon D. on the way out of the Farmer's Market and Andrew P.M. on his bike pedaling down the road towards the Market on my way home! Hey guys! :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Senior Garden

The Interview with Leland (12th Grade)
What is your role here at the garden?
I'm a Composter. I pretty much move the compost to the garden to make sure the soil is kept rich.
What do you think will happen to the garden when John leaves? Over the summer?
I don't know. Some of the plants might die due to neglect but some of the seniors are thinking about coming back over the summer to keep it up and running.
What is the garden here for (it's purpose)?
To show us how to be sustainable and how we can become sustainable just by creating a garden like the one we have here.
What do you grow?
We grow onions, snapdragons, carrots, squash, strawberries, pumpkins, zucchini, and I think there might be a little bit of peas somewhere in there. We also have lavender and mint though too, so we have some herbs.
What do you do in class relating to this garden?
We study ecological cycles and stuff like the food chain. You know, like the hawk eats fish, fish eats worm kind of thing.
The Response to This Visit
Was the garden what you expected?
The garden was a little less than I expected. I thought it was going to be a little neater in little patches or boxes but I kind of liked that it was kind of chaotic.
What struck you as interesting?
There was a whole bunch of interesting things about this garden! I loved how it had not only veggies, not only some fruit, not only herbs, but also flowers! This made the garden diverse and I loved that they had a compost pile where they could put weeds. By the way I learned that it can sometimes get to be 120 F in the middle of the piles! That's crazy!
What was your favorite part of the garden?
I loved the little banana tree in the corner and the huge rose bush that they couldn't get rid of. I just liked how quirky it made it because it gave the group obstacles by making them plant around those plants. The banana plant couldn't be dug up because it was historical and it was a nice addition and the rose bush was there because it wouldn't die!
What changes would you do to the garden?
I would make it a little neater, maybe put some of the plants in raised boxes where they can grow off the ground. It would make it look nicer and would be easier to work with. I also would have moved the compost pile a little ways away from the plants to help the aesthetics of the whole garden as well.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

My Ishmael & Food Inc.

What has struck you?

I was struck by how many people in the government were previously associated with companies that should be shut down. This shows why nothing is being done about the inhumane treatment of the workers and animals that are being used in these specific companies.

Do you agree or disagree with the concepts? Why?

I do agree with the concepts of Food Inc. because after seeing what is being done in these slaughter houses and farms, it makes me want to rid the world of all CAFOs and fast food joints. I also agree with My Ishamael that we should start thinking about our culture and how it has affected our earth and it's population.

How can you apply them to the real world?
I believe that you can definitely apply Food Inc. to real life because you can make healthier choices and maybe join organizations that take action against this type of food production and abuse of animals. (Thanks PETA!) You can also apply My Ishmael to the real world using psychology and rational thinking about how we should start helping the world rejuvenate by reducing our carbon footprint. We can also think about our actions in a whole new level just by reading this book.

What do your parents or family members think?

My mom thought that My Ishmael was an interesting concept but wouldn't be possible in the real world. She thought that in real life that animal can have empathy but not telepathy. She also considered the topic of the movie Food Inc. and decided that we would all agree that food production in the United States is overall very disturbing and we are all better served (pardon the pun) by eating local, raw, and organic foods instead of processed, genetically-altered, and trucked foods.

Monday, April 19, 2010

School Daze & School Daze II

" Teachers for the most part would be delighted to awaken young minds, but the system within which they must work fundamentally frustrates that desire by insisting that all minds must be opened in the same order, using the same tools, and at the same pace, on a certain schedule. The teacher is charged with getting the class as a whole to a certain predetermined point in the curriculum by a certain predetermined time, and the individuals that make up the class soon learn how to help the teacher with this task."
When I first saw this quote in 'My Ishmael' by Daniel Quinn, I automatically thought about my teachers Charlotte and Mele. It made me take a pause and think, Isn't this why I came to this school? To escape this kind of thing? I guess I did. I mean our school is based on project based learning so it stands out from the crowd of other high schools. So this quote is both right and wrong. Right because we do have to get all of our projects in at the same time and we are taught the same thing, but the quote is also wrong due to the fact that our school is different than most others and we aren't all taught the exact same way. Also, the quote is right because eventually a class does learn how to cater to a teacher's needs for learning success. So in the end, the quote is right due to most circumstances, but since our school is different it only applies in some areas.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

These Tears I Cry

These Tears I Cry

In Memory of Ann Noel Potocki

As I waft along the blank white of what is paradise, I see what I dreamed of as a little girl. Exotic trees and flowers fill the vast expanse of clouds as I walk, enchanted, through this Garden of Eden. Birds flock through the clouds and fly into these trees like they have not a care in the world. I wish I was the same but I was troubled. I was not a selfish person, so why had I left the realm of the living? It was because I had been blind to the beauty of the world as I drowned in a sea of sadness. I could not see the beauty of the water as it engulfed me. I had loved my family and I still did. I breathed a breathless sigh and continued my walk through the flora of heaven, the sun shining on my back. I saw myself in my old world, with my family and my friends. It was like a television screen in my head as I walked in a trance, unconscious, through the woods, not crushing a single flower or blade of grass.

Immediately, I was thrust back into my body. I was the same and I could feel every emotion my soul had felt, but I couldn’t control my actions. It was like a movie, where you feel as the main character does but you could not direct what they do. Deep down, I could feel a black demon, consuming bits of my soul, but I powered on with the world. I noticed now how I had loved the buzz of the city, like a hive of honeybees humming to a beautiful song but with more rap music and cussing. I replayed what was once boring daily life. Usually it had consisted of work, grocery shopping, and chores. I had never realized just how beautiful these were. Work had just been a mix of stress and coffee but now I noticed how I had loved focusing on my writing and occasionally glancing out the dirty window towards the city. I noticed how grocery shopping had been a maze of decadence and smells. You would walk past the man-made foods and towards the nutrition and work of the land was with the fruit and vegetables. And I noticed the chores, like sweeping, and how you could watch little motes of dust and pet hair fly into the air and twirl, as if dancing onto the previously clean floor. I noticed how my daughter had laughed, like a pixie, clean and clear like a glass bell. I had loved pretty much everything in the world except for the creature inside of me, gnawing and gnashing at my soul. I remembered one time when I had ridden the bus and there had been a crying girl.

Her eyes were rivers, streaming saltwater and sadness from hidden springs deep within her body. She wiped at them hopelessly, knowing more would come anyway.

“I’m such a terrible person…” she moaned.

The people in the bus were averting their eyes, all but me. She had looked up and attempted a watery smile. I hadn’t smiled, I hadn’t looked away either. She was ticking me off and my bad mood hadn’t helped either. The bus stopped and a man came on. He sat next to the sobbing girl and comforted her. He then started up a quiet conversation with her. She nodded and took a package from the man’s hand. At the next stop, both the man and I got off. He looked like a snake, slithery, slimy, and overall scary.

“What did you give to that girl?” I demanded.

“Candy,” He replied coolly.

“You shouldn’t take candy from strangers.” I had said.

“You shouldn’t,” he replied, “but she did.”

I had stormed off that day, in a rage, hatred burning red in my vision, intensified by my little demon inside. It growled and grinned as I let my disgust flood and swallow me. Why had I been so angry? I hadn’t known. So, I went home and started to clean furiously, as I always did when I was angry. It was something about the tickle of the cleaning chemicals in my nose that calmed me enough to become conscious again. I couldn’t stop my rage this time though, my thoughts were red and pulsing. Finally, I gave up on the cleaning and leaned over the sink. I wept, watching my tears swirl down the drain in a miniature whirlpool of sadness.

My will to live swirled down that same drain that day. It wasn’t a pleasant experience but I had to escape the demon pounding in my head. As my soul left my body, I watched the beast thrust itself from my shell. It writhed across the floor, death left in its wake. I watched as it squirmed though a microscopic crack in the wall and back to the world to the living in search of another soul to devour. I wafted towards the sky, like smoke from a chimney, and entered God’s realm.
I opened my eyes and found myself at the Gazing Glade, a place in heaven where the angels can look down upon their families. It reminded me of a watering hole, animals surrounding a body of water. Through the middle of this particular glade the uncorrupted version of the River Styx ran. You could see snatches of life dribbling like individual water droplets through the grass. It had views of my life too. The views I could see only if I dipped my face into the cool water.

I opened my eyes and as I did I gazed upon my family. It was night on earth. My husband was sitting by a fire, watching the fire crackle and spark. I noticed he stole a glance at my picture on the coffee table. A pained expression crossed his face and he leaned closer to my photograph. He picked it up and held it close to his face as if to memorize every detail of my face, and that was exactly what he was doing, scrutinizing my every freckle and pore. When he put the picture down, he placed it face down, because he couldn’t bear to see my face anymore. I blinked and the scene changed to my daughter, lying in her bed. She held a picture of she and I on her lap. She couldn’t take her eyes away from our smiling, sunburned, faces. I couldn’t look away either as I watched her stare. She smiled at the memory and set the picture, face up, on the bedside table. She turned over and switched off the light. I sang to her and lulled her off into the land of dreams.

“Go to sleep you little baby, go to sleep you little baby, your momma’s gone away and your daddy’s gonna stay, don’t need nobody but the baby, don’t you weep little baby, don’t you weep pretty baby, she’s long gone with her red shoes on, don’t need nobody but the baby, go to sleep little baby, go and dream pretty baby, you and me makes two not three don’t need no other

loving baby. ”

I lifted my face from the water and watched the memories trickle off my face in ropes of color. I sat there for a moment, letting their life sink into my skin.

“Are you okay lady?” someone asked behind me.

I turned and saw a face I recognized, but no name came to thought. Her eyes widened at the sight of me. Then I recognized her as the girl on the bus, the one who had been crying.

“Why are you here?” I gasped.

“I don’t deserve to be,” she replied, “here I mean. I should be in hell.”

“Why would you say such a thing?”

“I’m a terrorist, I’m a bomber, I’m a traitor, I’m a liar, and I’m a murderer.” The girl shivered and collapsed next to me.

“Tell me about it honey; it helps to talk to someone.”

“Well that day on the bus, where I was crying, and that man came up to me, was the day I spoiled my life. That thug was a terrorist, and he reformed me. He gave me a bomb and told me to plant it in a building full of people. I did as I was told and I killed hundreds of people.” she gulped for air. “I set the timer too short and I blew up myself too, along with those unfortunate souls. I don’t know why I’m in heaven. I feel like a wolf in a sheep flock, a sinner amidst a flock of angels.”

I thought back to that day on the bus, with the terrorist and the crying girl. If only I had smiled back at her maybe she wouldn’t have been as weak of a target. The terrorist wouldn’t have chosen anyone on that bus and maybe, just maybe, lives could have been saved. My own selfishness and cruelty had ended or wrecked the lives of hundreds, possibly thousands.

“You are an angel doll,” I looked at her, “maybe not a perfect one, but nobody’s perfect.”

I took her hands in mine and told her my story. At the end, we were both crying, tears of an angel, somewhat holy water. We raised ourselves and walked through the Garden of Eden, wiping away the tears both she and I cried.

Monday, January 11, 2010

"Trees" and "Leaves" Clean the Carbon

Synthetic "Trees"

Technological Advancements

Yes, the big white towers in the picture above are "trees" with a whole ton of "leaves". To you, it may look like just another type of solar windmill, solar panel, or a gigantic fly-swatter but this is different. This invention/project that has already been put in motion and seems to be working perfectly, soaking up 1000x more carbon than an actual tree. This "tree" soaks up carbon through its "leaves" and puts it into a chamber where it is then changed into liquid form. This "tree" could be used to make a CO2 liquid fuel which could be used in planes and cars. When the carbon is soaked up, this leaves cleaner air and more oxygen. The extra plus? This tree doesn't need sunlight to work, it could be placed anywhere and still soak up the carbon! Now, they can be used to help slow or even stop global warming! Now that is a technological advancement.

Rampaging Elephant Restraint System

Rampaging Elephant Restraint System
Environmental Help
Yes, it just might sound impossible, but elephant rampages are actually quite common. There have been many reports on elephant attacks and rampages. They attack their mahouts (owners), cars, and pretty much anything nearby. Some people believe that the elephants are fighting against possible mistreatment (as you can see above with it's legs tied in chains) from their mahouts. Finally, after many attacks, a Mumbai engineer built "violent elephant control gear". This mechanism is wrapped around the pachyderm's leg when bought and if the elephant goes beserk a simple press on a remote control activates the mechanism. The mechanism shoots a wrap around the other leg, and so immobilizes the creature to the point where he cannot harm anything around it. This mechanisim is completely humane and does not hurt the elephant in any way. This object is going to be released sometime soon for approximately $664. The only setback is that some people believe that once an elephant is tamed that it will return to its abusive owner. That may or may not be true based on the physical state of the animal. I would think that if the animal was healthy, it would be returned and if it was abused or hurt, it would be taken to an animal sanctuary for healing.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mysics Semester Goals

Don't we all wish that we could draw a whale for an answer and still get it right? Well...at least I do.

Semester II Mysics Goals

1. I would like to fully understand how to use pi but i have no idea if we are going to be learning about it but I hope we do so we can learn about radii and circumferences.

2. I would like to do better on my Mysics tests, quests, and quizzes (this includes group tests as well) because I feel like I do not do well on tests and I think that I should work harder at them by slowing down a little bit and reading the directions a little bit better. I think that would help a lot.

3. I would like to learn more about the principals and laws of this world like Bernoulli's Principal and the Gravitational Laws. I would like to learn more about this because then I could calculate real-life math better than I did before.
4. Convince my Mysics teacher that a whale is a fabulous 100% answer...okay I know it's never going to happen but, hey, i can dream right?

Humanities Semester Goals

1. I really want to improve on my vocabulary because I love writing and I really want to learn more words so that I can make my writing more professional. I think that better vocabulary makes a story more eloquent.

2. I want to keep my grades as a B+ or higher so I can get into a good college. So, one of my goals is to keep my grades up really high and I'm going to do that by studying more vocabulary and the way of using adjectives, pronouns, etc. I also want to improve on my sentence structures.

3. I really want to improve on my use of personification, metaphors, and similes because those are major parts of an interesting and good book/writing. Plus, if you do not have a knowledge of those three major writing utensils, you cannot see life as beautiful because description helps you visualize just how beautiful the world is.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Egyptian Religion Pillar

Project Description: My Freshman Humanities class decided to change the history of our race and send a helpful object or tool trough time to help an extinct civilization survive. We would choose either a trebuchet, a modern day sailboat, or a water (purification) system. We would then have to get our object or tool approved and funded by the High Tech High Science Society.

Process: For my group's trebuchet for the Ancient Egyptian civilization, we had to make a couple of posters and, in time, a trebuchet. First, you had to create a blueprint to prove that your design could be applied to the actual object. Once you had that accomplished, you would get the blueprint approved by either one of our teachers. You would make changes if necessary and create the final draft. Next, you would create a concept poster that would explain how the object worked. In my group's case, we explained the laws of projectile motion. We would get that approved just like we did with the blueprints and make the corrections if needed. Next, we would create the actual object or tool based on your blueprint. Finally, you would paint a portrait that would represent your pillar. For example, mine was Ancient Egypt so I painted an Egyptian goddess named Isis over the Pyramids to represent Religion. Of course the others on my team painted representatives of Government, Science & Technology, and Architecture. Then the exhibition would come and you would show off your finished product.

Reflection: What did you learn? Well, during this whole ordeal, I learned alot about gravity and projectile motion and how it affected the real world. Plus I learned what the normal gravitiational pull is (negative 9.8 m/s). What challenges did you encounter? While building this particular trebuchet I had some challenges with my partners. I have to admit it. I argued with them about what we should do for building and creating the posters and I think that I did that too much and I'm sorry I did that. I think that I was really stressed about this project as well and I think I let my nerves get to me too much. What would you do the same or different? If I ever did this project again, I would definitely not let my emotions get in the way of my work (ex. my stress and frustration). That is not an excuse to not work well with others. I take full responsibility for my actions. Next time I would focus on the positive things that were happening like how our trebuchet turned out (gorgeous by the way!). How will this help you later? Well this project has helped me learn about the pros and the cons about working in a group and I think that this would help me in real life because not everyone I work with is going to be perfect and agree with everthing I say. I think that this would help me with making the project to my fullest ability and be able to make it amazing!

Artifact (a.k.a. Picture): Below is a picture of my pillar that I painted for the Ancient Egyptian Religion. As I said in the Process section of this blog post, it has an Egyptian goddess named Isis above the Pyramids of Giza.