Monday, November 2, 2009

My Art Electric Project

My Art Electric Project: Patriotic

Project Description
For my Mysics (Math/Physics) class, we were assigned a box and was told that we were to make an interactive, electrical component for our box. We could do pretty much anything we wanted to as long as it was save and inventive. The twist: we had to make the box symbolize a character trait that describes us. For me, I chose Patriotic because I love our country.


Originally, when I started my Art Electric project, I had started with the character trait Dance because I love to dance! I started painted my box black and attempted to paint on white checkers to create a dance floor. The checks turned out extraordinarily terrible but, I continued on with my work. To make my little character on top of the box dance, I had to cut a hole in the top of the box. I tried to cut a perfect circle but it didn't turn out too well. Actually, I had to restart my whole box three days before the box was actually due. So, I decided to choose a simpler character trait to portray. I decided on the character trait Patriotic. First, I painted on an American flag because our flag represents our country on many occasions. Second, I painted Freedom on the side of my box along with a star. I painted this because we moved to America because we wanted religious freedom and the freedom of speech. Third, I posted a picture of President Obama because he is at the top of the government and he makes a whole ton of political decisions for our country. Fourth, I painted a list of the armed forces. I painted the armed forces because they are the most patriotic people in our country because they are willing to risk their lives for their country. Finally, for the interactive electrical component. For the interactive electrical component, I decided to put some lights in the stars of the American flag. I attached these lights together with some wires which later formed a parallel circuit. This attached to a button switch so the crowd can interact with my art component. This way, I have met all of the requirements for my Art Electric art project.

Final Product (Pictures)


Now that my Art Electric project is finished, I have realized a lot of things that I could have done better on. Because I had messed up on my first box, I learned that I should have used a compass to draw a circle. An Exact-O knife also would have helped cut out the dancing circle better. I also learned that when you look at your peer's review, you don't always have to do as they advised, but you should also think very hard about why they came up with that critique before you turn it down completely. The drafting and revising of my art component came in handy when I was attempting to plan out my layout of my box though. It helped me see just how difficult this project was going to be. If I were to do this project all over again, I would have paid more attention to the drafts and revisions because they helped out a lot when I figured out that my box was too difficult. It helped me simplify the design of my box. I actually have learned that maybe, sometimes, simpler is better than the extraordinarily elaborate. I think that since I learned how to sauter and how to connect a wire, battery, and light to create a circuit, I think that I can use this in other projects that might occur later on in my school years. Overall, I think that I did quite well on my Art Electric art component.

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